Unlocking Continued Salesforce Success

A subscription service designed to protect and enhance your Salesforce investment

Majente Accelerate

We’re here to ensure your journey with Salesforce is a successful one.

Whether you’re new to Salesforce or looking to enhance your existing setup, we’ve got you covered.

Majente Accelerate

Overcoming Barriers to Salesforce Success

We understand the common challenges that organizations face on their Salesforce journey. Whether it’s uncertainty about the next investment to make, aligning Salesforce with your business objectives, or addressing skill gaps, Majente Accelerate offers the solutions to bridge these gaps.

Team Based Approach

With Majente Accelerate, you gain access to a team of experts with over 100 years of combined experience and 50+ certifications. We’re not just administrators; we’re strategic partners who align Salesforce with your business goals, enhance data analysis, and empower your team with the skills they need.

Typical Salesforce Admin

Majente Accelerate

The Majente Advantage:
Comprehensive, Proactive, and P&L Driven

Majente Accelerate offers a range of unique advantages that set us apart in the world of Salesforce services. We understand that your success depends on more than just technical know-how; it’s about strategic alignment, analytics, and dedicated support.

Here’s a deeper look at how we empower your Salesforce journey:

Executive Alignment
and Strategic Planning

Majente Accelerate begins with an executive Salesforce strategy meeting. We work closely with your leadership team to identify revenue-driven business objectives for Salesforce. This alignment ensures that Salesforce activities are directly contributing to your overarching goals. This meeting isn’t a one-time event; it occurs every six months to maintain executive alignment and evolve your strategy as your business evolves.

Continual Analytics

We’re committed to enhancing your data-driven decision-making. Majente Accelerate focuses on ensuring that your Salesforce reporting and analytics provide actionable insights that are closely aligned with your P&L objectives. We shift the focus from merely reporting on past results to creating analytics that drive future behaviors. This transformation empowers your organization to make informed, strategic decisions.

Training and

User adoption is key to unlocking the potential of Salesforce. Our approach includes comprehensive training programs, covering both the basics of the Salesforce platform and the specific customizations that are essential to your business. We provide regular office hours to answer questions as they arise and ensure that your team is equipped to leverage Salesforce effectively. New employee onboarding is also a part of our commitment to skill development.

Data Quality
and Optimization

High-quality, dependable data is at the core of successful Salesforce implementations. Majente Accelerate focuses on measuring data quality and hygiene. We set up dashboards to ensure consistent data quality over time. Additionally, we continually review field usage and optimize Salesforce objects, retiring unused or irrelevant fields. By setting specific data hygiene goals by user and aligning them with training strategies, we ensure your data remains a valuable asset.


We believe in providing continuous support tailored to your organization’s unique needs. Our dedicated team is available to handle day-to-day questions and support requests, ensuring that you receive timely assistance. Support requests are triaged and assigned to resources with specific skills to efficiently handle each work item. This personalized support model maximizes knowledge of your people and processes.


As your business evolves, you’ll likely have enhancement requests. We’re here to address them efficiently. Work items requiring less than 20 hours of development time are included in your subscription. For larger work items, we document and discuss the best timing for implementation. Multiple enhancement requests can form a release, which will increase the monthly fees for a defined period. Our goal is to ensure that the cost of releases within the subscription is less than that of projects outside the subscription.


Trusted by Major Brands

With Majente Accelerate, you’re not just getting a technical support team; you’re gaining a strategic partner committed to your long-term success.

Your Salesforce journey is in good hands with Majente, and we look forward to helping you achieve your business objectives.

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